Thursday, 2 April 2009

Mr. Artates' HPE lesson with WenHua Students

Today I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to teach a year 6 class with 34 students at WenHua Elementary. I decided to conduct a HPE lesson that would introduce the Taiwanese students to games that we would normally play in Australia. We played a game of Whistle Mixer, Stuck in the Mud, a dice game and even hand ball. The students seemed to enjoy the games we played especially Stuck in the Mud and hand ball. It was interesting to see the reactions that the students had when they held a tennis ball. It was as if they had not seen one before. What impressed me the most about the lesson was the students’ willingness to learn. They were so attentive and very cooperative. I know they behaved liked this, not because a foreign teacher was teaching them, but because this is how they behaved in classrooms normally. Students in Taiwan seem to want to learn and this would make the teacher’s job here easier. They would get through so much in a day! The experience has made me think about my boys back at Stretton and I do miss them and hope they are working very hard. I am glad I have had this opportunity and will remember this experience forever.

Christian Artates

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